Saturday September 7th 7.30 pm, Concert for Lichfield Rotary at Lichfield Methodist Church

Tickets, £10 please email :, phone Catherine on 07768 325606 or book online via ticketsource by following this link :-

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Funds raised will be donated to Burton & District MIND to establish a new fund – ‘Helen’s Bursary’. This is in memory of our late chair Helen Klich. Below is the statement from Keri Lawrence explaining this fund.

“Burton and District Mind are your local mental health charity covering East Staffordshire, Tamworth and Lichfield District. Each year we support 4,000 people with the recovery of mental health problems; these might be through counselling or one to one support, or through group activities, such as our peer support groups or sports activities. We will not give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets the respect and support they need. 

Sometimes, one of our participants has a one-off need that no funder can fund, or partner charity can support – this might be because it is out of scope or because the need is just so urgent. We have committed the donations from our friends at Kaleidoscope Choir to go towards a new bursary called ‘Helen’s Bursary’, which can be used by our Recovery Workers or Outreach Workers have identified these needs. Perhaps it’ll fund essential travel, or white goods, or anything else that can really accelerate that’s person’s mental health recovery. We hope that Helen Klich’s huge commitment to helping people with mental health problems can be remembered by this legacy.  Together, we’ll leave no mind behind.”

Keri Lawrence, Development and Sustainability Officer, Burton and District Mind. 

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